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Lunch Box

It's almost time for the little ones to head back to school. Aren't you excited? But we all know school lunches can tend to get price-y, unhealthy, and even sometimes your child might not be recieving a big enough portion which leaves them wanting more. So, here I am going to list foods your child might like and how much of each food group it should contain.

First we will start with the main course: This will be things like a sandwich, grilled chicken, quesadillas, pita & hummus or maybe some leftover pizza.

Second we need to incorporate a fruit or veggie such as apple slices, carrot sticks, a watermelon slice, grapes, celery sticks or banana coins.

Third, you need a snack! Things like cheese, popcorn, a pickle, trail mix, pretzels or go-gurt would be good.

Next, you can't forget the drink. Water, juice, lemonade, capri sun, koolaid jammer, or fruit water are some nice choices. Don't forget to include an ice pack to get the drink cool.

And lastly, you should add a treat. (optional) Your child has been learning all day, and what better way to reward him while you're not there with a treat! Fruit Snacks, a cookie or a brownie should light up your little one's face.

Now, you don't have to include all of these different categories, at least three different ones should do depending on your child's age and weight. Substitute whatever you want, these are just a few ideas. I think it's also cute to leave a little note in your little one's lunch box, something simply like, "I love you" or "I hope you have a great day". Reminders like this can make their day so much better. I hope this lunch box planner helps you out!

You can also shop on Amazon's Back To School Event for cheap school supplies.

Good luck!


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